


报告题目: Social media mining andanalysis for business, consumer and social insights

主要内容: The recent blossom of social network services has provided every one withan unprecedented level of ease and fun of sharing information of allsorts. These public social data therefore reveal a surprisingly largeamount of information about an individual which is otherwise unavailable.Moreover, the real-time nature of platforms such as Twitter has made them themost important and timely sources to capture viral topics of mass interest, oreven the lifeline for millions in midst of natural disasters. The business,consumer and social insights attainable from this big and dynamic social dataare critically important and immensely valuable in a wide range of applicationsfor both private and public sectors. Central to this task are two researchchallenges of equal importance which complement and inform each other: userprofiling and event profiling. In this talk, we will explore a fewimportant topics in this task including network-based user modeling,cross-platform user identity linkage, real-time event detection and profiling.


Prof. Zhu is an assistantprofessor in School of Information System,SingaporeManagement University (SMU). His research interests include large-scale datamining, text mining, graph/network mining and social network analysis. He haspublished more than 70 quality papers in referred international conferences andjournals, including ICDE, VLDB, SIGMOD, WWW, JMLR, TODS, etc. His work on large-scale frequent pattern mining has won the Best Student Paper Awards at2007 IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’07) and 2007Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD’07).Feida is very active in serving the research community. He is a programcommittee co-chair of SNAKDD (2013/14), Demo Co-Chair of DASFAA'14 and APWeb'14,a tutorial speaker at SIGKDD’14, senior program committee member of CIKM’13,and program committee members of many conferences including WWW’14, ICDM(2012/13/14), ICDE(2012/13), VLDB’12, ACML’12, etc. He has founded the PinnacleLab a joint lab with China Ping An Insurance Group to focus on social mediamining and analysis for finance industry. He obtained his Ph.D. in ComputerScience from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2009,supervised by Prof. Jiawei Han, and his B.Sc. in Computer Science from Fudan University,China, in 2001.

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