Synopsis:GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) as in graphics displaycards have been used extensively, beyond their original purpose, to performgeneral parallel computations in industrial applications to achieve good speedup at a low cost. Computational geometrydeals with computation involving geometrical objects with applications in manyscientific computations as well as entertainment (such as terrain modeling,collision detection in games etc). In this talk, we review some simpleknowledge of GPU programming and computational geometry. Then we will discusssome of our GPU approaches to solve, with good speed up, geometry problems(e.g. Convex Hull, Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation). We will alsoreview some general challenges in the area of applying GPU to solve geometryproblems.
Speaker:ProfessorTan Tiow Seng is the Deputy Director (Education) of National University ofSingapore (Suzhou)Research Institute. He obtained his PhD degree from the Universityof Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,USA.Prof. Tan specializes in algorithmdesigns, in particular, geometric algorithms. He leads a research group in the School of Computing, National University ofSingapore, which focuses on geometric algorithms with applications tointeractive graphics, visualization and games. His team has released a numberof GPU software on computational geometric computation for free download to thecommunity. These are the only ones available that are robust, accurate andefficient till date. Prof.Tan holds fives US/Singaporepatents, and is also active in developing new courses and teachingmethodologies. He is a two-time recipient of the NUS Teaching Excellence Award.He is active in the development of the digital media industry; he has served asan expert panel member for Media Development Authority of Singapore to evaluatefunding proposals on digital media projects, and is the Chairman/co-founder ofG Element Pte Ltd, a graphics/visualization company inSingapore.
Prof. Tan Tiow Seng’s homepage: http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~tants